“Amazing lawyer”

Canandaigua DWI and Criminal Defense
DWI Attorney P. Adam Militello, Esq. appears in Canandaigua Town Court regularly. There are two justices, and the court is quite busy. Don't plan on being in and out quickly. The picture above is the front of the court building, located at 5440 Rte. 5 & 20 West, Canandaigua, NY 14424, and the entrance is in the back. The screening process is not exactly quick, so don't arrive at 6:00pm thinking you will walk in at 6:02pm; you are better off arriving 20 minutes early.

This court has some quirks, in part because it is in Ontario County, where plea offers of reductions on DWI charges are few and far between. Your lawyer needs to be ready to fight on every single point in your case if you are to have any hope of winning. This is a court where jury trials are far more common than bench trials, so strap yourself in for a ride if you are arrested in Canandaigua.
Being arrested for DWI is an anxiety-producing experience, and if you are not familiar with the criminal justice system the process can be outright scary. How long could you be without a license? Will you really go to jail? Lose your job? Having an excellent lawyer can not only minimize the chances of these worst-case-scenario things happening to you, but can also reduce your stress by telling you how things are likely to go based on their experiences working with a particular judge.
If you are facing a DWI or a criminal charge in Canandaigua Town Court, please contact us. Phone consultations for DWIs and criminal charges are free, and we have an excellent record of winning at trial. Call (585) 485-0025.
Militello Law Firm
2480 Browncroft Blvd.
Rochester, NY 14625
1 University Drive
Geneseo, NY 14454
Phone: (585) 485-0025
Fax: (585) 286-3128