What is the Driving Under the Influence (DUTI) Program?

Monroe County Driving Under the Influence (DUTI) Program

The Monroe County DWI weekend program, previously known as "Day Reporting Center" or "DRC/DWI Weekends" has been replaced by the DUTI Program

The program description of your responsibilities is as follows:


  • On your first day, you must report to the Center for Diversionary Services at 2:30 p.m. After your first class you must report on Tuesdays from 3:00 pm-7:00 pm and Wednesdays from 3:00 pm to 7:00 pm. You will not be permitted to leave the facility during these hours. You are expected to be on time. Absences and tardiness are reported to the Court.
  • If an emergency arises and you cannot report to the Center, you must immediately telephone Security at 454-7350 ext. 3062. In the case of illness, you must seek medical attention and written proof must be provided.
  • You must sign the attendance log each time you enter the program. The sign in log is located at the security desk.
  • Drug and/or alcohol testing is required. Breathalyzers will be conducted daily; urine screens will be conducted weekly. Failure to submit to testing within 2 hours of being requested or tampering with a sample shall be considered a positive. The Court is also notified of any positive breathalyzer or urine screen.


  • Drugs, drug related paraphernalia, or alcohol of any kind
  • Weapons of any kind
  • Electronics of any kind including phones.
  • The Center is NOT responsible for your personal belongings.


  • You are allowed to bring your own food/snacks.
  • You will not be permitted to have anyone bring you food.


  • Be sure to notify your Counselor of any and ALL medical issues and medications that may test positive.


  • You are expected to actively participate in all activities of the DUTI Program.
  • No physical or verbal abuse toward staff, facilitators and/or other clients will be tolerated.
  • You will be held responsible for any damage to the Center’s property.
  • No sleeping during classes or groups.
  • Classroom discussions should be limited to issues presented by instructors. Inappropriate remarks such as sexual comments or foul language will not be tolerated.
  • You must maintain basic physical hygiene and be presentable. No gang flags/symbols, pants must be fastened around the waist.
  • Any violations may be reported to the Court.
  • Smoking is not permitted in the Center.


  • You are expected to make weekly payments toward your program fee each Tuesday. (Currently $20.00 per week.)
  • Should the Court add additional weekends to your sentence, you will be billed accordingly.
  • A final report will NOT be sent to the court until full payment has been made.

If you don't successfully complete the DUTI Program, you will be called back to court and resentenced by the judge. For a misdemeanor DWI case, that could mean up to a year in jail, three years of probation, or a combination of both.

If you are facing a sentencing violation, call the Militello Law Firm. We offer upfront pricing estimates on our website, excellent trial results, and outstanding client reviews. We can help.

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2480 Browncroft Blvd.
Rochester, NY 14625

1 University Drive
Geneseo, NY 14454

Phone: (585) 485-0025
Fax: (585) 286-3128